
It's that time of year again — to cover yourself in the grime and dust that has been collecting in the corners of your home all winter long. Yep, it's spring cleaning season, and your house needs decluttering big time. But where do you even begin?

Here are my top 3 Steps to Reclaim Your Home From Clutter and Disorganization

Clean Room by Room

Approaching your house room by room is the most effective way to deep clean it. Create cleaning checklists for each room to help you get organized and to remind you of the areas that need extra attention. Feel free to skip the areas that have been cleaned recently, and focus on the parts of your home that were largely neglected over the winter.

Organize and Clear the Clutter

One of the biggest parts of spring cleaning is often getting rid of clutter. A systematic four-step approach can be helpful for this. Identify problem areas, analyze reasons for the clutter, determine solutions, and implement these remedies. Sorting your belongings into four categories—trash, give away, store, or put away—can also be effective as you go through the spring-cleaning process. Move the clutter out as soon as possible, whether it's bringing a donation box to a charity or planning a yard sale.

Get the Household Involved

Make spring cleaning a household endeavor. Even young children can be excellent helpers. Assign age-appropriate chores, so everyone feels included. Try throwing on some music as you all clean or establishing a household reward as an incentive to get the work done.

Let this spring cleaning decluttering checklist help you out starting with the Kitchen, Living Room & Dining Room.


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